Dedicated to a Refuah Shelaima for Chaya Sofya Sara bas Mera, Chaya Sarah bas Esther Leah, Tova bas Perel, Binyamin ben Simcha, and Betzalel Tzvi ben Chaya Yocheved.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Parshas Haazinu – Israel’s Impact on the World
Friday, September 15, 2023
Rosh Hashana: Lessons from Hagar
On most Jewish holidays, the Torah portion that is read is the section of the Torah that commands the celebration of the holiday or provides details of its observance. On Rosh Hashana, however, we read the Torah portion that culminates in the Akeidah, the near sacrifice of Yitzchak. The reasoning for this Torah reading seems obvious – the horn of the ram that was offered up on lieu of Yitzchak is the proto-shofar. Even more interesting than the fact that a narrative from Bereishis is the Torah portion rather than a more rule focused text is the fact that the parsha is divided between the two days of the chag and we only actually read about the Akeidah on the second day of Rosh Hashana. The Torah reading of the first day begins with the birth of Yitzchak, but a large portion of the text relays the story of the banishment of Hagar and Yishmael. When considering the weight of the day, it seems odd that this is what we are reading about.
Friday, September 8, 2023
Nitzvaim-Vayelech: Thought for this time of year
Every Elul, I participate in a phenomenal group of women who share divrei Torah throughout the month (and into Tishrei, until Yom Kippur). This is my piece this year, which tied in to the parsha:
Friday, September 1, 2023
Parshas Ki Tavo – Curses to Grow By
Modern conversations about religion often focus on the question of what a person gets from having faith. Security, responsibility, a sense of belonging, etc. are all within the range of answers that those studying religion from the outside hypothesize as the source for humanity’s drive toward belief. These inquiries are often paralleled to an assumption that one’s beliefs are meant to make one happy, and happiness is very important to the 21st century mindset.